Title page
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP Phone 1120E
Call Center User Guide
Revision history
Revision history
May 2007
Standard 01.01. This document is up-issued to support
CS 1000 Release 5.0. This document reflects the new document
January 2006
Standard 1.00. This document is issued for Nortel
Communication Server 1000 Release 4.5.
Revision history
Logging in without Agent ID (for
basic ACD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Logging in with Agent ID (for Basic ACD
or Contact Center Manager) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Logging in using Multiple
Queue Assignments (for Basic ACD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
About the Nortel IP Phone 1120E
About the Nortel IP Phone 1120E
The Nortel IP Phone 1120E brings voice and data to the desktop by
connecting directly to a Local Area Network (LAN) through an Ethernet
Note: In this guide, self-labeled line/programmable feature key labels
appear beside the keys, and context-sensitive soft key labels appear
Figure 1: Self-labeled line/programmable feature keys and
context-sensitive soft key labels
Note: Some features are not available on all telephones. Consult
your system administrator to verify the features that are available on
your telephone.
Basic features
Your IP Phone 1120E supports the following features:
four self-labeled line/programmable feature keys with labels and
four context-sensitive soft keys
For information about the context-sensitive soft keys, see New in This
Release Communication Server Release 5.0 (NN43001-115).
About the Nortel IP Phone 1120E
Note: Some IP Phone 1120E phones are not configured to support
soft key functionality. Consult your system administrator.
graphical, high-resolution LCD display, backlit, with adjustable
high-quality speaker phone
volume control keys for adjusting ringer, speaker, handset, and
headset volume
six specialized feature keys:
— Quit
— Directory
— Message/Inbox
— Shift/Outbox
— Services
— Copy
six call-processing fixed keys:
— Mute
— Handsfree
— Goodbye
— Expand
— Headset
— Hold
gigabit Ethernet ports
built-in gigabit Ethernet switch for shared PC access
headset jack with an On/Off key
USB port to support a keyboard or mouse
Note: Powered downstream 1.1-compliant USB hubs are supported,
including USB 2.0 hubs, if they offer USB 1.1 backwards compliancy.
automatic network configuration
Graphical XAS
hearing aid compatibility
About the Nortel IP Phone 1120E
Accessory Expansion Module port to connect the Expansion Module
for IP Phone 1100 Series (Expansion Module)
For information about using the Expansion Module, see the Expansion
Module for IP Phone 1100 Series User Guide (NN43130-101).
Figure 2 shows the IP Phone 1120E.
Figure 2: IP Phone 1120E
Telephone controls
This section describes the controls on the IP Phone 1120E. In some
geographic regions, the IP Phone 1120E is offered with key caps that
have English text labels. In this document, text in parentheses indicates
the labels that appear on the key caps, for example, (Services).
About the Nortel IP Phone 1120E
Table 1: Telephone controls
Context-sensitive soft keys are located
below the display area. The LCD label above
each key changes based on the active
When a triangle appears before a soft key
label, the feature is active.
Press the More key to access the next layer
of soft keys.
The keys on either side of the LCD display
area are self-labeled line/programmable
feature keys, with labels on the LCD. These
keys also function as line (DN) keys.
A steady LCD light beside a line (DN) key
indicates that the line is active. A flashing
LCD light indicates the line is on hold or the
feature is being programmed.
Note: Throughout this document, the
ACD line key is indicated by the line
number 2260. The ACD line number that
appears on your phone can be a
different number.
A steady LCD light beside a feature key
indicates that the feature is active. A flashing
LCD light indicates that the feature is being
AutoAns Z
About the Nortel IP Phone 1120E
Use the Volume control buttons to adjust
the volume of the ringer, handset, headset,
speaker, and the Handsfree feature. Press
the top button to increase the volume, and
press the bottom button to decrease volume.
(Volume +)
(Volume -)
Press the Mute key to listen to the receiving
party without transmitting. Press the Mute
key again to return to two-way conversation.
The Mute key applies to handsfree, handset,
and headset microphones.
Note: The Mute LED indicator, located
on the Mute key, flashes to indicate that
the microphone is muted.
Press the Handsfree key to activate
Note: The Handsfree LED indicator,
located on the Handsfree key, lights to
indicate when handsfree is active.
Use the Navigation keys to scroll through
menus and lists appearing on the LCD
display screen. The outer part of this key
cluster rocks for up, down, left, and right
Use Up and Down to scroll up and down in
lists, and the Left and Right keys to position
the cursor. In some dialog boxes that appear
on your phone, you can also use the Left
and Right keys to select editable fields;
press the Right key to select the field below
the current selection, or the Left key to
select the one above.
About the Nortel IP Phone 1120E
Press the Enter key, at the center of the
Navigation key cluster, to confirm menu
In most menus, you can use the Enter key
instead of the Select soft key.
Press the Hold key to put an active call on
hold. Tap the flashing line (DN) soft key to
return to the caller on hold.
Use the Expand key to access external
server applications.
Press the Headset key to answer a call
using the headset or to switch a call from the
handset or handsfree to the headset.
The Headset LED indicator, located on the
Handsfree key, lights to indicate that the
headset is in use.
Use the Goodbye key to terminate an active
When a message is waiting, the red Visual
Alerter/Message Waiting indicator flashes.
Also, when the ringer sounds, this indicator
About the Nortel IP Phone 1120E
When your IP Phone 1120E firmware is
being updated, the blue Feature Status
Lamp indicator flashes.
Note: To find out if additional features
are supported, contact your system
Press the Copy key to copy entries to your
Personal Directory from other lists, such as
the Caller List, the Redial List, and the
Corporate Directory.
Press the Quit/Stop key to exit an active
menu or dialog. Pressing the Quit/Stop key
does not affect the status of active calls.
The Shift/Outbox key is a fixed key that is
reserved for future feature development.
Press the Message/Inbox key to access
your voice mailbox.
This function is not available on all phones;
consult your system administrator.
Press the Directory key to access directory
About the Nortel IP Phone 1120E
Press the Services key to open the Services
menu, and use the navigation keys to access
the following items:
Telephone Options:
— Volume adjustment
— Contrast adjustment
— Language
— Date/Time
— Display diagnostics
— Local Dialpad Tone
— Set Info
— Diagnostics
— Call Log Options
— Ring type
— Call Timer
— On hook default path
— Change Feature Key Label
— Name Display Format
— Live Dialpad
Password Admin:
— Station Control Password
The Password Admin menu is not available
on all IP Phone 1120E sets. Consult your
system administrator.
Display Network Diagnostics Utilities
Only your system administrator or service
provider can use Display Network
Diagnostics Utilities to perform Internet
Virtual Office Login and Virtual Office
Logout (if Virtual Office is configured)
About the Nortel IP Phone 1120E
Test Local Mode and Resume Local
Mode (if Media Gateway 1000B is
Press the Services key to exit from any
menu or menu item.
Press the Services key twice to access the
Local Tools menu, and use the navigation
keys to access the following items:
1. Preferences
2. Local Diagnostics
3. Network Configuration
4. Lock Menu
Your system administrator can establish a
password for the Local Tools menu. If you
attempt to access the Local Tools menu and
a password prompt dialog box appears,
contact your system administrator.
Telephone display
Your IP Phone 1120E has three display areas:
The upper display area provides labels for the four self-labeled line/
programmable feature key labels.
The middle display area contains single-line information for items
such as caller number, caller name, Call Timer, feature prompt string,
user-entered digits, date and time information, and phone
Because the IP Phone 1120E only has a single-line information
display area, you are prompted to scroll through any additional lines
of information. For example, during an incoming call, only the
Directory Number (DN) appears if the caller name is greater than 10
characters. Press the flashing arrow to display the caller name.
About the Nortel IP Phone 1120E
The lower display area provides labels for the four context-sensitive
soft keys.
Figure 3 shows an idle LCD display screen.
Figure 3: IP Phone 1120E LCD display screen
Agent and Supervisor features
Agent and Supervisor features
This section describes the login features that are common to the Call
Center agent and supervisor. Depending on your system configuration,
choose from the following methods of logging in and out:
Logging in without Agent ID (for
basic ACD)
If your ACD configuration does not rely on Agent ID, which is often the
case if you do not share your phone with another person, use the
following procedure to log in to an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
1. Press the Make Set Busy key.
Logging in with Agent ID (for Basic ACD
or Contact Center Manager)
If your ACD configuration uses Agent ID, which is often the case if you
share your phone with another person, use the following procedure to log
in to an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) queue. If an Agent ID is
assigned to you, the display screen prompts you to enter a four-digit
Agent and Supervisor features
To log in as an agent:
1. Lift the handset.
2. Press the In-Calls key.
3. If “Enter Agent ID” appears on the
screen, use the dialpad to enter your ID.
4. Press the # key. The phone goes into a
Not Ready state.
5. To join the ACD queue, choose one of
the following:
Not Ready
— Press the In-Calls key.
— Press the NotReady key.
Agent and Supervisor features
6. If you use a headset and Handset On-
Hook Means Log out (HOML) is
configured to No by your administrator,
then do the following:
a. Press the Headset key and replace
the handset in the cradle to receive
calls on your headset.
b. Press the Services key. Change the
On hook default path to Headset
Note: If HOML is configured to Yes,
replace the handset to log out of the
Logging in using Multiple
Queue Assignments (for Basic ACD)
If your configuration uses Multiple Queue Assignment (MQA), use the
following procedure. MQA login involves entering a four-digit Agent ID
and up to five ACD Directory Numbers (DN), with the option of adding a
Supervisor ID and up to five Priority values.
Choose one of the following login procedures:
Logging in with an Agent ID and MQA login options
To enter ACD queues, use an Agent ID login with one of the MQA login
Note: A supervisor logging in to accept ACD calls is prevented by the
system from entering a Supervisor ID (including logins where agents
must enter a Supervisor ID).
Agent and Supervisor features
The login options require the following entries in sequential order:
1. a four-digit Agent ID
2. a Supervisor ID (if your queue requires one)
3. up to five ACD DNs and Priority values (if Priority values are being
used) terminated by # #
To log in:
1. Press the In-Calls key.
2. Choose one of the following four login
No Supervisor ID, No Priority
Supervisor ID, No Priority
— For No Supervisor ID, No Priority,
dial your Agent ID # ACD DN 1 #
ACD DN 2 # ACD DN 3 # ACD DN 4
# ACD DN 5 # #.
— For Supervisor ID, No Priority, dial
your Agent ID # Supervisor ID #
ACD DN 1 # ACD DN 2 #
ACD DN 3 # ACD DN 4 #
ACD DN 5 # #.
No Supervisor ID, With Priority
Supervisor ID, With Priority
— For No Supervisor ID, With Priority,
dial your Agent ID # ACD DN 1 #
Priority 1 # ACD DN 2 # Priority 2 #
ACD DN 3 # Priority 3 # ACD DN 4 #
Priority 4 # ACD DN 5 Priority 5 # #.
— For Supervisor ID, With Priority, dial
your Agent ID # Supervisor ID #
ACD DN 1 # Priority 1 # ACD DN 2 #
Priority # 2 ACD DN 3 # Priority 3 #
ACD DN 4 # Priority 4 #
ACD DN 5 # Priority 5 # #.
Note: To choose the default Priority
value or Supervisor ID, enter #.
Agent and Supervisor features
3. Choose one of the following:
— Press the In-Calls key.
— Press the NotReady key to enter the
Not Ready
ACD queue.
Using Default Login
Use the Default Login to log in just one time at the beginning of a shift.
The Default Login uses your previous shift’s login to place you in the
same ACD queues with the same supervisor.
To use Default Login:
1. Lift the handset.
2. Press the In-Calls key.
3. When “Enter Agent ID” appears on the
screen, use the dial pad to enter your ID.
4. Choose one of the following:
— If your queue requires a Supervisor
ID, press the # key three times.
— If your queue does not require a
Supervisor ID, press the # key two
Agent and Supervisor features
5. To join the ACD queue, choose one of
the following:
— Press the In-Calls key.
— Press the NotReady key.
Not Ready
Logging out
You can log out of the system completely or temporarily (Not Ready
To log out:
Choose one of the following:
To log out completely, press the
MakeSetBusy key.
Not Ready
To log out temporarily, press the
NotReady key.
Note: If you press the MakeSetBusy
key during an ACD call, you log out
automatically when the call finishes.
Agent features
Agent features
The following sections describe features that are available to agents:
Answering ACD calls
Use the In-Calls key to answer the next queued ACD call on the primary
DN. The In-Calls key is located in the lower right area of the self-labeled
line/programmable feature keys.
To answer the call:
When the LCD next to the In-Calls key
flashes, press the In-Calls key.
Note: The LCD remains lit as long as
you are on the call.
Agent features
To terminate the call:
Choose one of the following:
Press the Goodbye key.
Press the In-Calls key.
Press the individual DN line key (this
removes you from the queue).
Press the Not Ready key (this removes
you from the queue but keeps you
logged in as an agent position) or wait
for the caller to terminate the call.
Not Ready
Using Call Forcing
Use the Call Forcing feature to automatically connect an incoming ACD
call. A time interval is configured by your system administrator between
each incoming call.
Note: You cannot use both Call Forcing and Return To Queue on
No Answer at the same time.
A short tone indicates a new incoming call. The In-Calls indicator lights
continuously, and the ACD call automatically goes to your agent position.
Pressing the In-Calls key while call forcing (Auto Answer) is active
disconnects an active ACD call.
If you are away from your phone and Call Forcing is
enabled, remember to log out or activate Not Ready.
Otherwise, callers continue to be connected to your
phone. Because you are not at your desk, callers hear
only the background noise in your work space, until they
hang up.
Agent features
To enable Call Forcing for headset users:
1. Log in.
2. Replace the handset.
3. Press the Services key. Configure the
On-hook default path to
Headset Enabled.
Using Return to Queue on No Answer
If a call is not answered, the call is sent back to the ACD queue, and the
your telephone is automatically placed in Not Ready state. To return to
the ACD queue, log in, or press the NotReady key.
Using Activity code
Use Activity code to record the types of activities you are performing.
To record activities:
1. When the Activity LCD indicator is
flashing, press the Activity key.
2. Use the dial pad to enter the Activity
Agent features
3. Press the Activity key.
If you are performing multiple tasks,
repeat steps 1 and 2.
Note: If configured, you can enter
Activity Codes while in the Not Ready
state and run Not Ready Reason Codes
by Agent report in Contact Center
Manager Administration to track Not
Ready time.
Using Emergency
Use the Emergency feature to contact your supervisor immediately in an
emergency situation.
To use the Emergency feature:
1. During an active call, press the
Emergency key.
Note: The Emergency LCD remains lit
as long as the feature is active.
When the supervisor answers, a three-
way call commences with you, your
supervisor, and the caller.
2. Press the Emergency key again to
transfer the caller to the supervisor and
terminate your access to the caller and
Agent features
Using Not Ready
Use the Not Ready feature to take your telephone out of the call queue
while completing post-call work.
Note: If you don't activate Make Set Busy or Not Ready, callers will
continue to be directed to your phone.
To use Not Ready:
1. Press the NotReady key to temporarily
log out of the system.
Note: The NotReady LCD remains lit as
long as the feature is active.
2. To return to the queue, choose one of
the following:
— Press the In-Calls key.
— Press the NotReady key.
Placing or answering non-ACD calls
Use this feature to place and receive calls on your individual line.
To place a call:
1. Press your individual DN key.
2. Use the dial pad to dial the telephone
Note: The LCD remains lit as long as
you are on the call.
Agent features
To answer a call:
When the LCD next to your individual DN
key flashes, press the DN key.
Note: The LCD remains lit as long as
you are on the call.
Contacting your supervisor
Use the Supervisor feature to talk to your supervisor in the following
To answer a call from your supervisor:
When the LCD next to the Supervisor key
flashes, press the Supervisor key.
Note: The LCD remains lit as long as
you are on the call.
To answer a call from your supervisor when on another call:
The LCD next to the Supervisor key flashes
and a buzzer sounds.
Agent features
1. Press the Hold key to put the current call
on hold.
2. Press the Supervisor key.
Press the line (DN) key beside the
flashing LED indicator to return to the
caller on hold.
To place a call to your supervisor:
Press the Supervisor key.
Note: Calls are automatically put on hold
when you use the Supervisor key.
To return to the ACD call:
Press the In-Calls key.
To conference in your supervisor during a call in progress:
1. Press the Supervisor key to talk
privately with your supervisor.
2. Press the Supervisor key again for a
conference call with you, your
supervisor, and the other caller.
Supervisor features
Supervisor features
The following sections describe features available to the supervisor:
Using Answer Agent
Use the Answer Agent feature to receive calls from agents in a non-
emergency situation.
To use Answer Agent:
1. When the LCD next to the Answer Agent
key flashes, press the Answer Agent
Note 1: The Agent ID of the person
contacting you displays on your
Note 2: The LCD remains lit as long as
you are on the call, and your status is
displayed as NotReady.
2. Press the Goodbye key to end the call.
Supervisor features
Using the Agent key
Use the Agent feature to connect, observe, or monitor the status of each
agent position. Each Agent key links to a particular agent position and
can be used along with the Call Agent or Observe Agent keys.
Table 2 lists the four states of the LCD indicator.
Table 2: Agent’s status
LCD display
Agent is not logged in.
Agent is logged in but is either NotReady or on a
Slow Flashing
Fast Flashing
Agent is waiting for an ACD call.
Agent is on a non-ACD call.
Using Answer Emergency
Use the Answer Emergency feature to receive calls from agents in an
emergency situation.
To use Answer Emergency:
1. When the LCD next to the Answer
Emergency key flashes, press the
Answer Emergency key.
Note 1: The Agent ID of the person
contacting you displays on your
Note 2: The LCD remains lit as long as
you are on the call and your status is
displayed as Not Ready.
Supervisor features
2. Press the Goodbye key to end the call.
Using Call Agent
Use the Call Agent feature to contact an agent.
To use Call Agent:
1. Press the Call Agent key.
2. Choose one of the following:
— Press a selected Agent key.
— Dial the agent’s Position ID.
3. Press the Goodbye key to end the call.
Using Interflow
Use the Interflow feature to redirect calls when the backlog or wait time
exceeds a pre-defined threshold.
To use Interflow:
1. Press the Interflow key.
Note: The Interflow LCD flashes while
the feature is active.
Supervisor features
2. Press the Interflow key again to
deactivate the feature and resume
normal call flow.
Using Night Service
Use the Night Service feature to define how calls are handled outside of
business hours.
To activate Night Service:
1. Press the Night Service key.
2. Press the 6 key (6 = N for Night) to go
into Night Service.
The Night Service LCD lights
continuously. All calls in the queue and
new calls receive Night Service.
To transition to Night Service:
1. Press the Night Service key.
2. Press the 8 key (8 = T for Transition) to
activate Transition mode.
The Night Service LCD flashes. All calls
in the queue remain in the queue and
new calls receive Night Service.
Supervisor features
To deactivate Night Service:
1. Press the Night Service key.
2. Press the 3 key (3 = D for Day) to
resume Day mode.
The Night Service LCD flashes. New
calls enter the queue.
Observing a call
Use the Observe feature to monitor an agent in a call.
To observe a call:
1. Press the Observe key.
2. Choose one of the following:
— Press a selected Agent key.
— Dial the agent’s Position ID.
3. Press the Call Agent key to talk to the
agent you are monitoring.
4. Press the Observe key to terminate the
Supervisor features
Terms you should know
Terms you should know
Calling Party Name Display
Information appearing on the LCD display screen, such as the
caller’s name and telephone number. The system must have
CPND enabled.
Category 5 (Cat5)
Cable and associated connecting hardware capable of
transmitting at speeds up to 100 MHz, used by 10BaseT,
100BaseT4, 100BaseTX.
Category 5e (Cat5e)
Most Cat5 cable manufactured after 1996 also supports
1000BaseT (GigE) installations, and is designated Cat 5e. Cat5e
cable normally has four pairs of copper wire.
Category 6 (Cat6)
Cable and associated connecting hardware capable of
transmitting at speeds up to 200 MHz. Designed specifically to
support 1000BaseT (Gig Ethernet (GigE)), it is also compatible
with 10BaseT, 100BaseT4, and 100BaseTX installations. The
cable normally has four pairs of copper wire.
Communication Server 1000
Your office communication system.
Context-sensitive soft keys
A set of keys programmed by your system administrator. These
four keys, located directly below the display area, have four
programmable layers. These keys are also used to configure
parameters in the Telephone Options menu.
Date/time display
The current date and time when the telephone is in an idle state.
Terms you should know
Directory Number (DN)
A number consisting of one to seven digits for a telephone, and
also known as an extension number.
Feature display
An area that shows status information about the feature in use. It
also displays the name and status of the active session.
Feature Status Lamp indicator
An LCD or an LED that indicates a data message, contact, or
feature status by a flash, wink, steady on, or off.
Fixed key
The hard-labeled keys on your telephone.
Flexible Feature Codes (FFC)
Specialized codes entered using the dialpad that enable features
(for example, Ring Again).
Goodbye key
A fixed key used to end an active call.
An LCD or an LED that indicates the status of a feature by the
flash, wink, steady on, or off.
Information display
Any display of call activity, lists, prompts, and status of calls. On
your IP Phone 1120E, this information area is one line of text and
symbols. If a text message exceeds this area, a scroll arrow icon
indicates that you must use the scroll keys to view the remaining
Terms you should know
Information line
A one-line by 24-character area that displays date and time or
application information.
Interrupted dial tone
A broken or pulsed dial tone that sounds when you access some
features on your telephone.
A fixed key on your IP Phone 1120E that connects to your voice
messaging system when the key is pressed.
Navigation keys
Keys used to scroll through menus and lists appearing on the
LCD display screen.
Any line selected to make a call or receive an incoming call.
The term off-hook is applied when (a) the end-user lifts up the
handset, (b) the end-user presses a line key, (c) the call is
automatically answered at the telephone, or (d) a line is
automatically selected for an outgoing call.
Paging tone
A special tone (two beeps followed by dial tone) that sounds
when you use the Radio Paging feature.
Return to Queue on No Answer
If a call is not answered by the agent, the call is sent back to the
ACD queue and the agent’s telephone is automatically placed in
the Not Ready state.
Ringback/ring tone
A sound indicating that a call you have made is ringing at its
Terms you should know
Services key
A fixed key used to access options such as Telephone Options,
Password Admin, Virtual Office Login, Virtual Office Logout, Test
Local Mode, and Resume Normal Mode.
Shared Directory Number
A DN (extension) that is shared by two or more persons.
Special Prefix code (SPRE)
Special codes entered using the dialpad, followed by a two-digit
access code, that enable features (for example, Call Forward All
Calls requires entry of SPRE code + 74).
Special dial tone
The three consecutive tones followed by dial tone that you hear
when accessing telephone features.
Station Control Password (SCPW)
Enables security features on your phone to prevent others from
making calls from your telephone and to prevent access to
protected features (for example, Remote Call Forward).
Status Messages
A message displayed to inform the user of important information.
A right arrow appears if more than one Status Message is
present. Examples of Status Messages include: Message
Waiting, All Lines Forwarded to: 6453, Do Not Disturb On, Ring
Again active, and Ringer is OFF.
System or Switch
Your office communication system.
A button on which the handset presses down, disconnecting your
call when you replace the handset. The handset (when lifted)
Terms you should know
releases the switchhook, and you either answer an incoming call
or you receive a dial tone to make a call.
User interface
Screen displays that interact with the end user as a result of an
action or event.
Visual Alerter/Message Waiting indicator
An LCD or an LED that flashes to indicate that a message is
waiting or when the ringer is on.
Terms you should know
Station Control Password (SCPW)
Self-labeled line/programmable
feature keys 10
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP Phone 1120E
Call Center User Guide
Copyright © 2006–2007 Nortel Networks. All Rights Reserved.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The
statements, configurations, technical data, and recommendations in this
document are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented
without express or implied warranty. Users must take full responsibility
for their applications of any products specified in this document. The
information in this document is proprietary to Nortel Networks.
Nortel, Nortel (Logo), the Globemark, SL-1, Meridian 1, and Succession
are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
Publication Number: NN43112-107
Document Release: Standard 01.01
Date: May 2007
Produced in Canada
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