Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Smartio 8-Port RS-232 Serial Board for PCI Bus
First Edition, February 2003
Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
The product described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in
accordance with the terms of that agreement.
Copyright Notice
Copyright 2003 Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form without permission is prohibited.
MOXA is a registered trademark of Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd.
All other trademarks or registered marks in this manual belong to their respective manufacturers.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on
the part of Moxa.
Moxa provides this document “as is,” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied,
including, but not limited to, its particular purpose. Moxa reserves the right to make improvements and/or
changes to this manual, or to the products and/or the programs described in this manual, at any time.
Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Moxa
Technologies assumes no responsibility for its use, or for any infringements on the rights of third parties
that may result from its use.
This product might include unintentional technical or typographical errors. Changes are periodically
made to the information herein to correct such errors, and these changes are incorporated into new
editions of the publication.
MOXA Internet Services
Customer satisfaction is our number one concern. To ensure that customers receive the full benefit of our
products, Moxa Internet Services has been set up to provide technical support, driver updates, product
information, and user’s manual updates.
The following services are provided:
E-mail for technical support
World Wide Web (WWW) site for product information
Smartio—The Smart Multiport Async Solution
The term Smartio stands for smart multiport serial I/O solution. The Smartio CP-168U
board is designed for the 32-bit PCI bus with Plug and Play feature. This board offers 8 RS-
232 serial ports for connecting terminals, modems, printers, scanners, cash registers, bar
code readers, keypads, numeric displays, electrical scales, data acquisition equipment, and
many other serial devices for the PC and compatible systems. With its well-designed and
fine-tuned device driver, the Smartio boards make full use of the 64 byte Tx/Rx FIFO and
on-chip H/W flow control, which makes possible transferring data without loss at
transmission speeds up to 230.4 Kbps. These boards offer a reliable and high performance
solution for serial multiport communications.
Board Applications
The CP-168U board can be used with many applications, including:
Internet/Intranet Connections
Remote Access Applications
Multi-user Applications
Industrial Automation
Office Automation
PC-based Vending Machines or Kiosk Systems
POS (Point-of-Sale) Systems
PCI Solution
The CP-168U board complies with PCI Spec. 2.1, and does not use either switches or
jumpers. The hardware configuration for the IRQ and memory addresses is automatically
assigned by the PCI BIOS. Hence, the board MUST be plugged in before installing the
driver software. For more PCI information, refer to the Technical Reference Appendix.
Surge Protection
To prevent the board from being damaged by lightning or high potential voltage, embedded
16 KV ESD protection is used in the CP-168U board. This is required for harsh
environments, such as in factory settings, under severe weather conditions, such as
lightning, or other high interference situations.
Operating System Support
The CP-168U board supports Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 95/98, and Linux. You
may access Moxa’s website at for a more detailed installation guide.
MOXA Serial Comm Tool
For application development, MOXA provides an easy-to-use serial communication library
(PComm) under Windows NT/2000/XP and Windows 95/98. With this library, it is easy to
develop your own applications using sample applications developed with Visual Basic,
Visual C++, Borland Delphi, etc. Utilities such as diagnostic, monitor, and terminal
emulation are also included for debugging and monitoring communication status, terminal
emulation, and file transfer.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
The Smartio CP-168U board has 8 RS-232 ports, embedded ESD 16 KV surge protection,
and uses a Moxa or 16C550C compatible UART, and has the following important features:
Supports universal PCI, plug and play (no switches or jumpers)
Fits both 3.3V and 5V connector key
Reliability—high speed Moxa UART Communication Controllers with on-chip
hardware flow control to guarantee no data loss
Compact half-size design
Embedded ESD 16V surge protection
Easy installation—32-bit PCI bus with Plug and Play capability
Powerful Serial Comm tool—PComm
Broad OS support—Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 95/98, Linux
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 1-3
Package Checklist
You should find the following items in the Smartio CP-168U board package:
Smartio CP-168U 8-port serial board
Software CD that contains drivers for Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 95/98, and
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual (this manual)
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Installation Guide
This section gives a brief summary of how to install the Smartio CP-168U board under each
supported operating system. The installation is simple and involves the following stages:
Check the PCI BIOS settings.
See Chapter 2, “Hardware
Install the Smartio CP-168U board.
Install the software from the software
See the respective OS section in
CD. Configure the driver for the board
Chapter 3, “Software Installation.”
and ports.
See Chapter 5, “Connection Cables
Connect the devices with the cable.
and Cable Wiring,” for cable wiring.
Restart the system.
See Chapter 3, “Software
Check the driver initialization status.
Installation,” for board init. status.
If the system restarts successfully, you
See Chapter 4, “Serial Programming
may develop your applications or
execute the desired applications.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 1-5
Hardware Installation
The installation of the Smartio CP-168U board involves both hardware and software.
Software installation is discussed in the next chapter. In this chapter, we discuss hardware
The no-switch-no-jumper Smartio CP-168U board’s IRQ number and I/O addresses are
assigned automatically by the PCI BIOS. For this reason, the board MUST be plugged in
before installing the driver software.
Installing the Smartio CP-168U board
Step 1: Power off the PC.
Warning! To avoid damaging your system and board, make sure your PC’s
power is switched off before inserting this or any other board into
an empy PCI slot.
Step 2: Remove the PC’s cover.
Step 3: Remove the slot cover bracket if one is in place.
Step 4: Insert the Smartio CP-168U control board firmly into a free 32-bit PCI slot.
Step 5: Fasten the holding screw to fix the control board in place.
Step 6: Replace the PC’s cover.
Step 7: Power on the PC; the BIOS will automatically set the IRQ and I/O address.
Each board must occupy one unique IRQ and four 8-byte I/O
addresses, which are assigned automatically by the PCI BIOS.
However, you can select a free IRQ number manually via the
PC’s BIOS setup for the PCI slot, but normally this method is not
available for the I/O address. The possible IRQ numbers are 2, 3,
4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, and 15. The possible I/O addresses are from
0x0000 to 0xFFFF.
Step 8: Proceed with the software installation, as described in the next chapter,
“Software Installation”.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Software Installation
In this chapter, the driver software installation, configuration, and driver update/removal
procedures are described for various operating systems, including Windows NT, Windows
95/98, and Windows 2000/XP. Before proceeding with the software installation, be sure to
first complete the hardware installation discussed in the previous chapter.
Refer to the next chapter, “Serial Programming Tools,” for information on developing your
own serial programming applications.
Windows NT, Windows 95/98, Windows 2000/XP, and Linux drivers can be downloaded
from the Moxa website.
Windows NT
Windows NT supports up to 256 serial ports, from COM1 to COM256. To fully utilize
Windows NT’s multi-process and multi-thread advanced features, pure 32-bit Windows NT
device drivers were developed for the Smartio CP-168U board and other MOXA multiport
boards. The drivers conform to the Win32 COMM API standard.
Installing the Driver
First Time Driver Installation
The following procedure shows how to install the Smartio CP-168U driver for the first time.
First make sure the board or boards are already plugged into the system’s PCI slot(s).
1. Log into NT as Administrator.
2. Copy the folder Windows.nt located under Software\WinNT\V5.7 on the software
CD, to your computer’s hard disk (under the C: drive, for example).
3. Open the [Control Panel], click the [Network] icon, and then select the [Adapters]
4. Click the [Add] button, and then the [Have Disk...] button in the [Select Network
Adapter] dialog box.
5. Specify the exact path of the driver diskette, C:\Windows.nt in the example shown
here, and then click [OK] to proceed.
6. Select MOXA Smartio/Industio Family multiport board in Select OEM Option
dialog box, and then click [OK] to start installing the driver.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Software Installation
7. The Moxa Smartio/Industio Configuration Panel dialog box appears. Click the [Add]
button to open the Property dialog box to change port settings and advanced FIFO
configuration done automatically by the system.
8. Select the just installed CP-168U board from the Board Type pull-down list, click on a
specific port item, and then click on the [Port Setting] button to open the Port X
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 3-3
9. Select a COM number for the specific port from Port Number pull-down list.
10. Check the Auto Enumerating COM Number check-box to have subsequent ports
mapped to continuous COM numbers. For example, if COM3 is assigned to Port 1,
then COM4 will be automatically assigned to Port 2.
11. Select an Rx FIFO Trigger from the Rx FIFO Trigger pull-down list. Rx FIFO trigger
levels of from 1 to 62 are available, with a default value of 56 bytes. Check the Set the
change to all ports check-box to apply the just defined Rx FIFO Trigger to all ports.
12. Select a Tx FIFO Size from the Tx FIFO Size pull-down list. Tx FIFO sizes are
available from 1 to 64 bytes, with a default value of 64 bytes. Check the Set the
change to all ports check-box to apply the just defined Tx FIFO Size to all ports.
13. Click [OK] in the Port X dialog box to confirm the port settings, and then click [OK]
in the Property dialog box to complete the port settings and return to the MOXA
Smartio/Industio Configuration Panel dialog box. The configured CP-168U board
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Software Installation
will now appear in the MOXA Smartio/Industio Configuration Panel dialog box, as
shown below.
14. Click [OK] in the MOXA Smartio/Industio Configuration Panel to return to the
Network dialog box, and then click [OK] to exit the Network dialog box.
15. Restart the PC.
The driver configuration will NOT take effect until you restart the
Double check that all Smartio CP-168U board components—the
control board—are connected and fastened tightly to make sure
that the system and the driver can start up successfully.
Once the system restarts, you may check the event log issued by the MOXA driver to see if
the board’s ports have been initialized successfully.
Enter the [Administrative] group, click the [Event Viewer] icon, and then select [Log] and
[System] to check a message similar to “MOXA CP-168U board, with first serial port
COM3, has been enabled” for each newly configured board.
If an error message similar to “Cannot find any configured
MOXA Smartio/Industio series board!” pops up, refer to the
Troubleshooting chapter for possible solutions.
Once the board and the driver are installed and the driver restarts successfully, you can start
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 3-5
to develop applications with the PComm library (see “Serial Programming Tools”) or the
Microsoft Win32 API. You can also use applications such as Terminal Emulator (see
“Serial Programming Tools”), a PComm utility, or HyperTerminal, to transmit/receive data,
as well as Remote Access Service to provide dial-up networking capabilities.
Configuring the Board and Ports
Re-Configuring Port Settings
If the driver is already installed, and you only wish to re-configure the ports, refer to the
following procedures. In addition to the procedures listed below, you may also click on
[Start] ꢁ[Programs] ꢁ[MOXA Utility] ꢁ[MOXA Smartio/Industio Configuration Panel]
ꢁ[Property], and then refer to the instructions in the previous section, “First Time Driver
1. Open the [Control Panel], click on the [Network] icon, and select the [Adapters] tab.
2. Click on MOXA Smartio/Industio Family Adapter from the Network Adapters list to
highlight it, and then click on [Properties] to open the MOXA Smartio/Industio
Configuration Panel dialog box to change port settings and advanced FIFO
3. Click on [Property] from the MOXA Smartio/Industio Configuration Panel to open
the Property window.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Software Installation
4. Next, refer to the instructions given in the previous section, “First Time Driver
Installation” from the “Windows NT” section.
Configuring Another CP-168U Board
In this section, we explain how to configure another MOXA CP-168U board that is already
installed. Up to four CP-168U boards can be installed in one system under Windows NT,
provided sufficient system resources are available.
In addition to the procedures listed below, you may also click on [Start] ꢁ[Program] ꢁ
[MOXA Utility] ꢁ[MOXA Smartio/Industio Configuration Panel] ꢁ[Add], and then
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 3-7
refer to the instructions from the previous section, “Installing the Driver.”
1. Open the [Control Panel], click on the [Network] icon, and select the [Adapters] tab.
2. Click on MOXA Smartio/Industio Family Adapter from the Network Adapters list.
3. Click the [Properties] button to open the Moxa Smartio/Industio Configuration Panel
dialog box.
4. Next, refer to the instructions from the “First Time Driver Installation” subsection.
Removing an Existing CP-168U Board Configuration
First shut down your PC, and then physically remove the CP-168U board from the PCI slot.
The next time you start up the PC, the system will automatically remove the configuration.
There is no need to click the Remove button in the Moxa Smartio/Industio Configuration
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Software Installation
Panel dialog box.
Updating the Driver
Take the following steps to update the Smartio CP-168U board driver.
1. Open [Control Panel], click on the [Network] icon, and select the [Adapters] tab.
2. Click on MOXA Smartio/Industio Family Adapter from the Network Adapter list.
3. Click the [Remove] button in the Network dialog box.
4. Click the [Close] button in the Network dialog box.
5. Restart the system.
6. Refer to the instructions given in the “First Time Driver Installation” section to
install the new driver.
Removing the Driver
To remove the Smartio CP-168U board driver:
1. Open the [Control Panel], click on the [Network] icon, and select the [Adapters] tab.
2. Click on MOXA Smartio/Industio Family Adapter from the Network Adapters list.
3. Click the [Remove] button in the Network dialog box.
4. Click the [Close] button to exit the Network dialog box.
5. Restart the system to activate the new configuration.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 3-9
Windows 95/98
The Windows 95/98 driver supports up to 128 serial ports, from COM1 to COM128. To
fully utilize the advanced multi-process and multi-thread features of Windows 95/98, pure
32-bit Windows 95/98 virtual device port drivers (VxD) compliant with communication
drivers (VCOMM) have been developed for the Smartio CP-168U and other MOXA
multiport boards. The drivers conform to the Win32 COMM API standard.
Installing the Driver
Thanks to Windows 95/98’s Plug and Play capability, you can easily plug the Smartio CP-
168U board into an available PCI slot, and then get to work right away with very little
installation effort. Windows 95/98 will automatically detect the presence of the new board,
and prompt you to install the software driver. You simply need to have the driver CD
available to complete the installation process.
A maximum of 4 Smartio CP-168U boards can be installed in one system, provided
sufficient I/O address and IRQ number resources are available.
The following flow chart illustrates the driver installation stages of the Smartio CP-168U
boards. Each stage will be discussed later in more detail.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Software Installation
Install the Smartio PCI board in the system
Start Windows 95/98 to detect the board
Driver installed before?
Install the driver from the driver CD.
See the section, “First Time Driver
Configure the port.
See the section, “Port Configuration”
The Smartio CP-168U board’s ports
should be ready to work.
See the section, “Board and Ports Ready”
First Time Driver Installation
This stage gives the steps for installing the Smartio CP-168U board driver for the first time.
The installation of the Smartio CP-168U board for Windows 95 and Windows 98 are
slightly different and will be described in two columns. Follow the steps in the left column
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 3-11
for Windows 95 or the right column for Windows 98.
If one MOXA CP-168U board was previously installed and another MOXA CP-168U
board is plugged in, the system will prompt you to skip this stage, and take care of Port
Configuration, which is discussed in the next section.
1. Upon detecting the first new Smartio CP-168U Series board, Windows 95/98 will
automatically display a New hardware found message box, and then display the
following dialog boxes. Click the Next button to proceed.
Windows 95
Windows 98
2. Click on [Other Locations].
2. Select [Display a list...] and then click on [Next].
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Software Installation
3. Type E:\Software\Win9x\V5.7\Windows.95 in
the Location input box, and then click [OK] from
the Select Other Location window. The system will
start reading the files from the CD.
3. Select Other Devices and then click on [Next].
4. Click on [Finish].
4. Click on [Have Disk].
5. Type E:\Software\Win9x\V5.7\Windows.95 and
click [OK]. The system will start reading the files
from the CD.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 3-13
6. Click on [Next].
7. Click on [Next].
Port Configuration
After the driver is installed, the MOXA CP-168U Installation dialog box will be displayed,
and the system will map the ports automatically.
If one MOXA CP-168U board was installed previously, and another MOXA CP-168U
board is added, the system will prompt you to take care of port configuration, which is
discussed in this section.
1. Click on a specific port from the the CP-168U Series Installation window, and then
click on [Port Setting] to open the Port X dialog box.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Software Installation
2. Select a COM number for the port from the Port Number pull-down list.
3. Check the Auto Enumerating COM Number check-box to have subsequent ports
mapped to continuous COM numbers. For example, if COM 3 is assigned to Port 1,
then COM 4 will be automatically assigned to Port 2.
4. Select an Rx FIFO Trigger from the Rx FIFO Trigger pull-down list. Rx FIFO trigger
levels from 1 to 62 bytes are available, with a default value of 56 bytes. Check Set the
change to all ports check-box to apply the just defined Rx FIFO Trigger to all ports.
5. Select a Tx FIFO Size from the Tx FIFO Size pull-down list. Tx FIFO sizes from 1 to
64 bytes are available, with a default value of 64 bytes. Check Set the change to all
ports check-box to apply the just defined Tx FIFO Size to all ports.
6. Click [OK] in the Port X dialog box to confirm the port settings, and then click [OK]
in the Property dialog box to complete the port settings.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 3-15
Board and Port Ready
Board and Port Ready for Windows 95 and Windows 98 are slightly different. In finishing
this stage, the driver installation will be complete.
Windows 95
Windows 98
After the port configuration, you can immediately
use the COM ports of the Smartio CP-168U board
without restarting Windows 95.
After the port configuration, click on [Finish]. The
COM ports of the Smartio CP-168U board can be
used without restarting Windows 98.
If an error message similar to “CP-168U board(BusNo=x,
DevNo=x, Port1=COMx) interrupt number is invalid!” pops
up, refer to the “Troubleshooting” chapter for solutions.
If you want to add more boards after installing the driver, simply plug the additional
Smartio CP-168U board into an empty PCI slot, and Windows 95/98 will automatically
detect the newly plugged board. Skip to Port Configuration to take care of port settings.
This completes the installation of the Smartio CP-168U board driver, including board and
port configuration. However, if you need to make changes to the board and port
configuration, refer to the next section, “Configuring Board and Port,” for configuration
Once the board and the driver are installed and the driver restarts successfully, you can start
to develop applications with the PComm library (see “Serial Programming Tools”) or the
Microsoft Win32 API. You can also use applications such as Terminal Emulator (see
“Serial Programming Tools”), a PComm utility, or HyperTerminal, to transmit/receive data,
as well as Remote Access Service to provide dial-up networking capabilities.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Software Installation
Configuring the Board and Ports
Follow the procedures given below to re-configure the COM number for the ports of
installed boards and drivers under Windows 95/98.
In addition to following the procedures listed below, you may also click on [Start] ꢁ
[Programs] ꢁ[MOXA Utility] ꢁ[MOXA Smartio/Industio Configuration Panel] ꢁ
[Property] ꢁ[Port Setting].
Since this is a PCI board, once a new board is added, or an existing board is removed, the
board’s configuration will be automatically added or removed by the operating system
when you restart the PC.
1. Open the [Control Panel], click on the [System] icon, select the [Device Manager]
tab, and then click on the plus sign to the left of Moxa Smartio/Industio multiport
2. Click on the desired CP-168U board, and then click on [Properties].
3. Select the [Ports Configuration] tab, click on the specific port, and then click on the
[Port Setting] button.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 3-17
4. Check the Auto Enumerating COM Name check-box to assign continuous COM
numbers for subsequent ports. For example, if COM3 is assigned to Port 1, then COM4
will be automatically assigned to Port 2.
5. Re-assign the Rx FIFO Trigger by selecting a number from the pull-down list. Check
the Set the change to all ports check-box to apply this setting to all ports. Rx FIFO
trigger levels from 1 to 62 bytes are available, with a default value of 56 bytes.
6. Re-assign the Tx FIFO Size by selecting a number from the pull-down list. Check the
Set the change to all ports check-box to apply this setting to all ports. Tx FIFO sizes
from 1 to 64 bytes are available, with a default value of 64 bytes.
7. To complete the update, click [OK] in the Port X dialog box, click [OK] in the CP-
168U board Properties dialog box, and then click [OK] on the Device Manager tab.
8. Restart the system to activate the latest configuration.
Updating the Driver
This section shows how to update the Windows 95/98 driver.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Software Installation
1. Open [Control Panel], click on the [System] icon, and select the [Device Manager]
2. Click on the MOXA CP-168U board and then click on [Properties].
3. Select the [Driver] tab.
4. Click on [Update Driver...].
5. Click on [Have Disk...] and type the path of the new driver.
6. Insert the driver CD into the CD-ROM drive, and then click [OK] in the Install from
Disk window.
7. The system will automatically prompt you to restart the system. Click [Yes] to restart
the system, or [No] if you want to reboot the system later.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 3-19
Removing the Driver
This section explains how to remove the Smartio CP-168U board driver.
1. Open the [Control Panel], double click the [Add/Remove Programs] icon, and then
select the [Install/Uninstall] tab.
2. Click on the MOXA Smartio/Industio Driver option and then click on [Add/Remove]
to start the driver removal process.
3. Click [Yes] in the following message box to confirm that you want to remove the
4. Click [OK] in the Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box.
Windows 2000/XP
Windows 2000/XP supports up to 256 serial ports, from COM1 to COM256. To fully
utilize Windows 2000/XP’s multi-process and multi-thread advanced features, pure 32-bit
Windows 2000/XP device drivers were developed for the Industio CP-168U board and
other MOXA multiport boards. The drivers conform to the Win32 COMM API standard.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Software Installation
Installing the Driver
The following procedure shows how to install the Smartio CP-168U Series driver for the
first time under Windows 2000 and Windows XP. First make sure the board or boards have
already been plugged into the system’s PCI slot(s).
Windows 2000
Windows XP
1. Windows 2000 can auto-detect new devices, 1. Windows XP can auto-detect new devices,
and activate the Found New Hardware
function to install a device driver for Plug
and Play devices.
and activate the Found New Hardware
function to install a device driver for Plug
and Play devices.
2. Select Install from a list or specific
location, checkmark Include this location in
the search, and then click on Browse. You
should locate the Software\Win2K\V1.5
folder on the software CD. Click on Next to
2. Click on Next to continue.
3. Select Search for a suitable driver… and
then click on Next to continue.
3. Wait while the driver software is installed.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 3-21
4. Select Specify a location and then click on
4. The next window shows the model number of
the board, and indicates that Windows has
completed the driver installation. Click on
Finish to continue with the rest of the
installation procedure.
Next to continue.
5. Insert the Moxa Driver CD into the CD-ROM
drive, and then specify the location of the file
as E:/Software/Win2K/V1.5 as shown
below (change the drive letter if needed).
Click OK to continue.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Software Installation
6. Click Next to copy the driver files to your
5. The next Welcome to the Found New
Hardware Wizard window that opens starts
the port installation procedure. Select Install
the software from a specific location and
then click on Next to continue.
6. Input the location of the driver in the text
input box, or use the Browse button to locate
the appropriate folder.
7. The next window shows the model number of
the board, and indicates that Windows has
completed the driver installation. Click on
Finish to continue with the rest of the
installation procedure.
7. Wait while the installation wizard searches.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 3-23
8. The next Welcome to the Found New
Hardware Wizard window to open starts the
port installation stage. Click on Next to
8. Wait while the wizard installs the software.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Software Installation
9. After all files have been copied to the system,
the Completing the Found New Hardware
Wizard window will open to indicate that it
has finished installing “Port 0.” Click on
Finish to install the board’s second port.
9. Select Search for a suitable driver for my
device [recommended], and then click on
Next to continue.
10. Select Install the software automatically
and then click on Next to continue.
10. Select Specify a location and then click on
Next to continue.
11. Wait while the port is installed.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 3-25
11. Insert the Moxa Driver CD into the CD-ROM
drive, and then specify the location of the file
as E:/Software/Win2K/V1.5 as shown
below (change the drive letter, if needed).
Click OK to continue.
12. Click on Finish to complete installation of
12. Click on Next to continue with the
Port 1.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Software Installation
13. After all files have been copied to the system, 13. Repeat the above procedure for the rest of the
board’s ports. The last window to open
completes installation of Port 7.
the Completing the Found New Hardware
Wizard window will open to indicate that it
has finished installing “Port 0.” Click on
Finish to install the board’s second port.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 3-27
How to Check the Installation
There are three ways to check the installation of the CP-168U Series board.
Device Manager
1. You can check the installation of the board by selecting Start ꢁSettings ꢁControl
Panel ꢁSystem, select the Hardware tab, and then click on the Device Manager
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Software Installation
If the driver installation was successful, you will be able to see the model number of the
CP-168U board listed under Multi-port serial adapters.
You may also expand the Ports (COM & LPT) item to check the status of the COM ports.
If you see a question mark on top of the icon, then the installation might have a problem.
Check the Event Log to determine the reason for the problem.
Windows 2000
Windows XP
MOXA PComm Utility
This utility, which comes with MOXA PComm Lite, provides a convenient way to
diagnose problems with Moxa boards, and provides internal and external testing of IRQ,
TxD/RxD, UART, CTS/RTS, DTR/DSR, DTR/DCD, etc. This program can verify the
correct operation of both the H/W and S/W for all Moxa boards and ports.
Event Log
To check the Event Log for MOXA boards, click Start ꢁSettings ꢁControl Panel ꢁ
Administrative Tools ꢁEvent Viewer, to enter the Event Viewer program. You may
find the latest warning message relevant to the Moxa driver in the system category.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 3-29
Removing the Driver
You can uninstall the board by first selecting Start ꢁSettings ꢁControl Panel ꢁ
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Software Installation
Select the Hardware tab, and then click on Device Manager. Use the mouse to place the
cursor over the CP-168U Series board under Multiport serial adapters, and then click the
right mouse button. Select the Uninstall… option.
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Click OK to proceed with the un-installation of the board.
Windows 2000 Windows XP
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 3-31
The Device Manager window will automatically refresh to show that the driver and ports
for the CP-168U Series board have been removed.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Serial Programming Tools
Moxa supports a class of easy to use, yet powerful serial programming libraries and
communication troubleshooting utilities under Windows NT/2000/XP and Windows 95/98.
Use these MOXA Serial Programming Tools to decrease your software development time.
In the following sections, we describe the installation of the library, and the utilities
supported for various programming platforms.
PComm, a professional serial comm tool for PCs, is a software package that runs under
Windows NT/2000/XP and Windows 95/98. PComm provides:
A powerful serial communication library for easy programming in the most popular
programming languages. The serial communication library is useful for developing
applications for data communications, remote access, data acquisition, and industrial
control under Windows NT/2000/XP or Windows 95/98. It is an simpler solution
compared to the more complex Windows Win32 COMM API.
Useful utilities such as diagnostic, monitor, and terminal emulator.
Illustrative sample programs,
Comprehensive on-line documentation.
PComm Installation
To install PComm, run \Setup.exe from the diskette enclosed in the package. Please note that
the PComm diagnostic and monitor utilities are for MOXA boards only; these two utilities
will not work with other manufacturers serial boards.
After PComm is successfully installed, click on [Start], select [Program Files], and then
PComm Lite group to select a list of utilities and documents.
PComm Programming Library
The serial communication library assists you in developing serial communications programs
for any COM port that complies with Microsoft Win32 API. It facilitates the
implementation of multi-process and multi-thread serial communication programs and
hence remarkably reduces development time.
This serial communication library provides a complete function library and sample
programs for Visual C++, Visual Basic, and Delphi. To view detailed function descriptions and
sample programs, click on [Start] ꢁ[Program] ꢁ[PComm Lite] ꢁ[PComm Lib Help],
[PComm Porting Notes] or [PComm Programming Guide], or refer to the sample programs in
the PComm directory.
In this section, we give brief descriptions of each utility. For more information about these
utilities, see the on-line help from the software diskette.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Serial Programming Tools
Diagnostic (for MOXA boards only)
A convenient diagnostic program, ONLY for MOXA boards and ports, provides internal
and external testing of IRQ, TxD/RxD, UART, CTS/RTS, DTR/DSR, DTR/DCD, etc. It
allows the user to check the function of both software and hardware.
To run the Diagnostic program, click on [Start]ꢁ[Program]ꢁ[PComm
Lite]ꢁ[Diagnostic]. A typical test report for the CP-168U Series board is shown below.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 4-3
Monitor (for MOXA boards under Windows NT/2000/XP)
A useful port status monitoring program allows you to monitor data transmission of
selected MOXA COM ports. It monitors data transmission/receiving throughput, and
communication line status, with data updated and displayed on the screen at regular time
intervals. Click on a specific port to see a graph of the current communication parameters
and status of that port.
To run the Monitor program, click on [Start]ꢁ[Program]ꢁ[PComm Lite]ꢁ[Monitor].
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Serial Programming Tools
Terminal Emulator
Terminal Emulator can be used to connect to various ports to see if data transmission is
functioning correctly. Terminal Emulator features multi-windows, and supports VT100 and
ANSI terminal types. You can transfer data interactively, send patterns periodically, and
transfer files using ASCII, XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM, and KERMIT protocols.
To run Terminal Emulator, click on [Start]ꢁ[Program]ꢁ[PComm Lite]ꢁ[Terminal
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 4-5
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Connection Cables and Cable Wiring
In this chapter, we illustrate the possible connections and cable wiring for the CP-168U
In serial data communications, DTE stands for Data Terminal Equipment, such as a PC’s
COM1/2, serial printers, and terminals, and DCE stands for Data Communication
Equipment, such as modems.
RS-232 Cable Wiring
DB62 Female Connector Pinouts
19 RxD
62 RTS
61 CTS
42 DTR
20 DSR
21 DCD
NOTE: The CP-168U board has 1 GND wire that is shared with 6 pins (32, 40, 45, 50, 55,
and 58), none of which is assigned to a particular port (since there are 8 ports, but only 6
GND pins). If you are building your own cable, you are free to use any of the GND pins
with any of the ports.
Individual Port Pinouts—DB9 and DB25 Male
Pin No. Signal
Pin No. Signal
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
Common Smartio CP-168U board errors and possible corresponding solutions are given
below. If the problem still cannot be solved after following these suggestions, contact your
dealer or Moxa for help, or use the Problem Report Form at the end of this manual to report
problems to your dealer to receive faster technical support.
General Troubleshooting
1. The MOXA PCI board cannot be detected by the MOXA driver while installing
the driver.
Hardware causes and solutions:
A. The board is not installed. Please install the board in an empty PCI slot.
B. The board is not properly plugged into the system’s PCI slot. If that is the case, re-
plug the board in a 32-bit PCI slot. It may also be the case that the PCI slot is
defective. In this case, try other PCI slots until you find one that works.
C. The motherboard does not have an available IRQ for the CP-168U board. Enter the
PC’s BIOS and make sure an IRQ setting is available in the PCI/PnP settings.
2. The MOXA board and driver are activated but cannot transfer (transmit/receive)
Hardware Causes and Solutions:
A. Make sure the cable wiring is connected correctly. Refer to the “Connection
Cable and Cable Wiring” chapter to see correct cable connection options.
B. The cable or the board are probably defective. Please try other ports, cables, or
boards to verify this, or use the PComm Diagnostic utility to test MOXA board and
port conditions. If Diagnostic reports an error, replace the faulty components.
Software Causes and Solutions:
A. Smartio CP-168U board will check the line status (CTS) before transmitting data if
the RTS/CTS flow control feature is set to Enable in the configuration or
application program. Refer to the Connection Cable and Cable Wiring chapter for
proper wiring options, and check the line status of the suspected port using the
diagnostic LED indicators on the mini tester.
B. The board’s control application might not be correctly written according to the
corresponding API of the operating system. To verify the problem, run an existing
application known to be good, or use utilities provided by Moxa, such as Pcomm
Terminal Emulator or HyperTerminal under Windows NT/2000/XP and Windows
Windows NT
This section is specific for troubleshooting under Windows NT. For general problems and
solutions, please see the previous section, General Troubleshooting.
1. After the system reboots, the error message, “Another driver in the system, which
did not report its resources, has already claimed the interrupt used by xxx.”
appears in the Event Log.
This indicates the MOXA board was found, but the IRQ conflicts with another adapter.
Check the PCI BIOS IRQ settings first, and then select an IRQ that is available.
2. After the system reboots, the error message, “Cannot find any configured MOXA
Smartio/Industio series board!” appears in the Event Log.
Make sure the PCI board is seated firmly in the expansion slot.
3. The COM number of the Smartio CP-168U board (Bus No=x, Dev No=x,
Port1=COMx), with device number xx, conflicts with others.
The COM numbers for different boards are in conflict. Change the COM number
mappings for the MOXA boards.
4. Windows NT system panics (blue screen).
The possible reason is an IRQ or I/O address conflict with other ISA Bus adapters,
such as LAN or SCSI boards, or with the system BIOS. Refer to the corresponding
problem in the previous section, “General Troubleshooting,” for solutions.
Windows 95/98
This section is specific for troubleshooting under Windows 95/98. For general problems
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual
and solutions, see the section, “General Troubleshooting.”
1. The system fails to find the Smartio CP-168U board!
C. The board(s) is (are) not properly plugged into the PCI slot.
D. The PCI slot is defective. Please try other slots until you find one that works.
E. The board itself might be defective.
2. After the system reboots, the error message “CP-168U board(BusNo=x, DevNo=x,
Port1=COMx) interrupt number is invalid!” appears.
This indicates that the MOXA board was found, but the IRQ conflicts with another
adapter. Make sure the MOXA board’s IRQ does not conflict with another adapter’s
IRQ. Check the PCI BIOS IRQ settings and then select an available IRQ for the
MOXA boards.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 6-3
Technical Reference
Bus interface:
32-bit PCI
Assigned by PCI BIOS
Assigned by PCI BIOS
5, 6, 7, 8
Number of ports:
I/O address:
Data bits:
Stop bits:
Data signals:
Surge protection:
Operating temp:
Power Requirement
1, 1.5, 2
None, even, odd, space, mark
Moxa UART (16C550C or compatible)
50 bps to 230.4bps
DB62 female
ESD Max. 1600V
0 to 55℃
191 mA max. (+5V)
37 mA max. (+12V)
50 mA max. (-12V)
136.9 × 100.0 mm (5.39 × 3.94 in)
The 32-bit Smartio CP-168U boards comply with PCI specifications 2.1. Hardware
configuration for IRQ and I/O addresses is automatically assigned by the PCI BIOS. Hence,
you must first plug in the board before installing the software driver.
Unlike ISA slots, different PCI slots in the same PC may have different bus numbers and
device numbers with respect to the PCI specifications. The same PCI board will have
different system configurations if moved to a different PCI slot. This is called slot-sensitive
or slot-dependent, and may apply to PCI slots in PCs with different motherboards, which
might use different device number sets. For example, some use 17, 18, 19, and 20 for
identifying the respective PCI slots, whereas some use 11, 12, 13 and 14.
Due to this slot-dependency, it is necessary to re-configure the software driver once the
board is plugged into a different PCI slot.
Up to 4 Smartio CP-168U boards can be installed in one system. When installing more than
one board, remember the order of boards to distinguish the installed boards.
The MOXA UART is an intelligent asynchronous controller that supports one full duplex
channel that simultaneously transfers data at a transmission speed of 230.4 Kbps. To
increase overall data throughput, special features such as on-chip FIFO and on-chip
hardware flow control are used to reduce the number of interrupts to the onboard CPU, and
to prevent loss of valuable data.
Return Procedure
For product repair, exchange, or refund, you must:
Provide evidence of original purchase.
Fill out the Problem Report Form (PRF) as detailed as possible for shorter product
repair time.
Obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number from the sales
representative or dealer.
Carefully pack the product in an anti-static package, and send it, pre-paid, to the dealer.
The RMA number should be visible on the outside of the package, and include a
description of the problem along with the return address and telephone number of a
technical contact.